It is that time of year again when the chilly winds and changing leaves bring forth the best bounty of autumn—Apples!
Remember the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!” It is true that apples are as healthy as they are delicious. Besides being rich in Vitamin C and roughage, this fruit contains antioxidants and polyphenols. Additionally, they promote good heart health, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity!
Nowadays, delicious apples are available in supermarkets throughout the year. Nevertheless, the fruits are harvested in the fall.
Did you know that there are over a hundred varieties of apples in the USA alone?
Apples come in all sizes, shapes, colors, and flavor profiles. Whether it is for apple pie, apple crumble, cider, or plain snacking, your options are plenty. Join us as we explore the most popular varieties of apples and find out what each is best suited for.
The varieties of apples that you should know about

Pink Lady
This small apple variety has a lovely fragrance and a perfect pink color. Interestingly, it is believed that women conveniently carried this petite apple in their purses due to its size. They would smell it when they were in the presence of unpleasant odors.
Due to its beautiful coloring and visual appeal, the Pink Lady is a favorite with stylists and decorators. You can find it in many elaborate holiday centerpieces by Martha Stewart.
Taste it: Pink Lady has a subtle but unmistakable sweetness and refreshing crunchiness.
Best enjoyed: As a raw snack, in a salad, or with cheese, it is also suitable for apple pies.

Honeycrisp apples are popular as healthy snacks. It is a “cold-weather” apple and has a distinct crunchy texture.
Honeycrisp apples are officially recognized as the state fruit of Minnesota and are extensively grown in New York. It is a favorite with children and teens as a healthy but delicious food.
Taste it: Deliciously juicy and crisp, Honeycrisp apples are sweet with just a hint of tartness.
Best enjoyed: Due to their sturdy texture and intense flavor, Honeycrisp apples are suitable for cooking. You can use them in sauces, pies, and baked goods.

Red Delicious
Although it is one of the most common varieties of apples, it is not as tasty as the name makes us believe. The red delicious is not as flavorful as other apples, and its former name, “Hawkeye,” seems more suitable. Nonetheless, it is a readily available and affordable type of apple.
Taste it: The sweet and crumbly texture and hard skin of red delicious results from several rounds of genetic modifications to improve shelf life. The flavor profile of the new variants is entirely different from that of the original Red Delicious.
Best enjoyed: As a snack or in salads.

Golden Delicious
This variety of apples lives us to its name. The golden delicious is as sweet as honey. Although the fruit is cultivated only in Washington, it is available all over the country. Although the name resembles the Red Delicious, the flavor and texture of this variety are undoubtedly superior.
Taste it: Juicy, crisp, and sweet, it is one of the best-tasting apple varieties.
Best enjoyed: Golden Delicious is a perfect choice, whether eaten raw, added to salads, or cooked in pies and sauces. It freezes well too.

Fuji apples were developed in Fujisaki in Japan, hence the name. These apples are grown in different parts of China, Japan, the USA, and Australia. These apples are large, very sweet, and have a delicate flavor and subtle sweetness. These apples store well for up to 6 months in the refrigerator.
In Japan, Fuji apples are popular snack foods at festivals, dipped in caramel or candy sauce and sold on sticks.
Taste it: Fuji apples have the perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. They are crunchy with hints of honey and citrus.
Best enjoyed: Fuji apples are very sweet, and they bake well. You can use them in salads and sauces. They are great for snacking too.

Granny Smith
Granny Smith
Granny Smith is a world-renowned apple variety that originated in Australia, where farmer Maria Ann discovered this new variety in 1868. Soon, Granny Smiths grew into an iconic symbol of Australia. There is even a yearly Granny Smith Festival in Sydney to celebrate this variety of apples.
Apart from the delicious taste, their long shelf-life adds to the appeal of Granny Smith apples. This apple can survive long journeys without over-ripening or spoiling.
Taste it: Citrusy taste—more tart than sweet. Granny Smith apples have firm textures.
Best enjoyed: Although Granny Smiths are tart, you can still eat them raw. Granny Smiths withstand heat. So, you can cook them in pies, crumbles, and cakes. However, you must add sugar to balance the intense tartness.
Apples are incredibly healthy fruits. They are packed with nutrients that can enhance a person’s health. The high fiber content of this fruit aids weight loss and improves gut health. Incorporate apples into your daily diet and eat them whole, both the flesh and skin, to enjoy the immense health benefits of this fall fruit.